We specialize in Scuba Diving lessons, Scuba Diving Trips and more. We also offer Snuba adventures, Jungle Adventures, Snorkeling Trips and sunset Bay trips...
We are a professional, enthusiastic and legal sport fishing charter in the Northeast of Puerto Rico.
Federación de Vela de Puerto Rico.
Daylight and sunset sailboat tours around San Juan Bay.
The 54th Billfish Tournament will take place August 16-22, 2007.
You will Experience a Complete Full Service Light Tackle Charter. You will be fishing for Tarpon and Snook. Just 5 min. from the Airport and Isla verde and 10 min. from Condado. Good for all family members, No Seasick.
Mega Yacht services, concrete docks and finger piers, Texaco Star Port fuel, member services, tournaments, regattas, and much more.
All the information you need about windsurfing and surfing in the island of Puerto Rico
Information abouth scuba diving and wind surfing.
Site about my development in bodyboarding and other water sports.
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