La compañía de transporte expreso más grande del mundo, con una flota de más de 600 aviones y 39,500 vehículos...
Come fly with us & explore and discover in style the true Caribbean!
Check the Puerto Rico Tren Urbano schedule quickly from your phone. Uses GPS to automatically select the nearest station. Soon you will also be able to track Autoridad Metropolitana de Autobuses (AMA) buses in real time...
We provide ground transportation service from the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport San Juan P.R. to any destination in the Island, 24 hours service. Also, Tours to the major points of interest in P.R.
Directorio de agentes de carga maritima en el Caribe.
El mejor sitio en Puerto Rico para alquiler de autos, los mejores precios. Visitenos y haga su reservacion Online
A licensed U.S. Customs Broker, a Freight Forwarder and an IATA Agent. In the last few years the company has grown rapidly, providing a wide range of trade services to clients located in Puerto Rico, the neighboring islands, the Americas, and Europe.
Flying all over the Caribbean for more than fifteen years, Air America will start or end your stay wherever it may take you with excellent coordination and personalized aircraft services.
Monitoreo de vehículos en tiempo real, manejo de flota, geocercas y reportes.
Aqua-Gulf es lo unico que usted nesecita para su nesecidad de embarque, transportación y logistica de su mercancia, entre el Caribe y Estados Unidos.
Specialist transportation & storage for computers & electronic equipment.
A company with more than 10 years of experience eager to supply made-to-measure luxury services to satisfy the most discerning guests' requirements.
Escuela de aviación basada en el aeropuerto de Isla Grande.
Seaborne Airlines offers the best and most convenient way to travel in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Frequent daily flights departing form the Isla Grande Airport to St. Thomas & St. Croix and soon to Vieques.
Located at the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport. We offer 24 hour executive jet charters from the Caribbean to North, South, Central America and Caribbean Islands.
Shipment an courier services.
Te mostramos la bella isla de Puerto Rico desde la mejor vista (en helicóptero).
Al presente, la Autoridad posee y opera las instalaciones portuarias en San Juan, incluyendo el viejo sector portuario, el área portuaria de Isla Grande y los muelles de Puerto Nuevo. Asimismo, administra los muelles de su propiedad en las zonas portuarias de Arecibo, Fajardo, Vieques, Culebra, Puerto las Mareas, (Guayama), Guayanilla y Yabucoa.
Executive transportation, small and large group transportation and tours.
Primera iniciativa de auto compartido (car-pooling) en Puerto Rico. Proyecto sin fines de lucro.
Air Cargo Service. Expedite, Rush, Emergency, Time Critical, Time Sensitive. All this is Sun Air Expedite Around the globe!
Puerto Rico's largest and most complete Customs Brokerage and Foreign Freight Forwarding organization, handling over 2,500 importers.
Has been established for 27 years. Our clients find under one roof a series of options ranging from Next Day delivery to sophisticated fulfillment services.
Una empresa tecnológica dedicada a ofrecer un servicio innovador en el área del transporte de carga y logística implementando el modelo de Economía Compartida...
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