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Puerto Rico > Cabo Rojo > Environment:

Comité Caborrojeño Pro Salud y Ambiente Inc.
En el CCPSAI estamos comprometidos con ayudar a nuestra sociedad y medio ambiente a coexistir bajo un pensamiento libre de prejuicios y trabajando en equipo...
Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge
The gently rolling hills of the refuge lie within the sub-tropical dry forest belt. Because of decades of over grazing much of the native vegetation has been replaced by plants from other regions.
Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge
Much of the rocky terrain is covered by a native forest adapted to a dry climate. Large gumbo limbo trees are common in interior valleys while a variety of cactus species, including the endangered higo chumbo...
Ecological Services In The Caribbean
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Oficina de Servicios Ecológicos del Caribe.
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