Machines D`Andréa for drying, benefit , storage and production of
coffee, rice, corn, soy, bean, wheat, seeds, rubber (latex), flour toast,
gritz, starch and hygienic paper.
Evidencia provides data loggers, temperature labels, and traceability solutions including high-tech temperature recorders and multiple metrics data loggers for optimal cold chain management, HACCP compliance and logistics monitoring.
Conveyor Belts, Idler Rollers, Hoses, Couplings, V Belts, Belting, Pulleys, Valves, Rubber Sheets, Quick Release Couplings, Conveyor Pulleys
Wire and cable manufacturers since 1878.
Silicone coated fiberglass hoses to protect electrical cables and hydraulic hoses from molten metal splash and heat. Yancheng Hengsheng Insulation Co.,Ltd Web: Email:
Generico- ISO 9002 manucafturers of gas welding and cutting equipment, regulators, gauges and accessories. Complete catalog online. Contact us for our wholesaler and distributors in Puerto Rico.
Water cooling towers for Latin America.
Manufacturing underwater cutting torches, underwater cutting rods and underwater wet welding electrodes. Also carry a land line of torches and consumables for scrap, dismantling, salvage, repair and maintenance. See our web for details.
Manufaturer of chromatograph (HPLC, GC, LCMS, GCMS), spectrometer, electronic balance, testing, medical equipment.
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