Una empresa de servicios veterinarios completos que provee cuido médico veterinario, hospedaje, acicalamiento y venta de productos para mascotas.
Dogo Argentino Breeder & Dog Training Entrenamiento de Perros: Obediencia • Guarda y Defensa • Hospedaje de Perros y Gatos
The Sato Project is dedicated to rescuing abandoned & abused dogs from Puerto Rico. We have been working to make change on Dead Dog Beach for the past 6 years.
En Lucky Pet tu mascota es primero. Llevamos más de 10 años ofreciendo un servicio de excelencia, dándole a las mascotas la atención y el cariño que ellas se merecen.
a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for homeless and abused animals on the island of Puerto Rico. Many of these animals live each day awaiting their untimely death whether it be from starvation, disease, injury or abuse...
A no-kill animal shelter and adoption center located in Humacao.
Un centro de servicio completo para su mascota.
An animal sanctuary (no-kill shelter) in the western part Puerto Rico. We currently have more than 180 dogs and 90 cats and depend on the goodwill of people who sympathize with our cause.
Pet Supplies including grooming products, clothing, toys, collars, harnesses, leashes, and much more.
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